I make cool things for the web.
We were finally allowed to redesign the company site at LeadFlash. Like most corporate site redesigns there were a lot of opinions flying around the board room. The end result was a compromise of executive taste, departmental needs and design aesthetics that I am pretty happy with. We now have an up-to-date, responsive site that is representative of our standing in the industry. The before and after say it all.
Visit SiteI met the love of my life at my current job in 2013. We hit it off and by October of this year we will be a married couple. I was tempted to let her just put together one of those free wedding sites but the web designer in me couldn't let that stand. I had to put it up in a hurry but the fam seemed to dig it. Go ahead...the registry is still live...cough cough (Dyson)
Visit SiteI'm currently the Manager and Senior Web Designer at LeadFlash, a marketing company in South Florida. I also do freelance so contact me for your next project.